

to Action

With the full planet at your fingertips, build out precise scenarios that span continents, then drill down to individual city stoplights all from a single environment.

Press play and AtomEngine simulates complex natural phenomena ranging from weather, to power grids, to smart terrain, ensuring more accurate results in less time.

Powered by our proprietary simulation fabric, AtomEngine is purpose built to scale seamlessly with your scenarios - from tens to millions of simulated objects.

Collaborate with colleagues by working together live in a project or publish your working files for review. Then wargame scenarios against live adversaries.

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Planet Scale


Precise Digital Twins

Our High fidelity digital twin of Earth is accurate to 50 cm, up-to-date, and populated with natural formations and man-made infrastructure - all of which is ready to interact with your simulations.

Time-Based Simulation

Control the timeline by choosing a scale that's right for your scenario. Play, pause, fast-forward, or rewind time to run hours to months of simulation in minutes. Then save and branch from any point.

Customizable Entities

Choose and import from a library of thousands of ready-made entities to get running within minutes, or create your own with our easy authoring tool suite.

Precise Digital Twins

Our High fidelity digital twin of Earth is accurate to 50 cm, up-to-date, and populated with natural formations and man-made infrastructure - all of which is ready to interact with your simulations.

Time-Based Simulation

Control the timeline by choosing a scale that's right for your scenario. Play, pause, fast-forward, or rewind time to run hours to months of simulation in minutes. Then save and branch from any point.

Customizable Entities

Choose and import from a library of thousands of ready-made entities to get running within minutes, or create your own with our easy authoring tool suite.

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Accessible Anywhere

AtomEngine runs natively in a browser, meaning you can sign in from anywhere using just a link and a log in. Our streamlined application runs lean at the edge, avoiding the need for massive downloads.

Safe, Secure, and Trusted

Our partners trust us with their most sensitive applications, and we adhere to the strictest IT, cybersecurity, and privacy protection standards. Our stack is designed from the ground up for auditability and can be deployed as a hosted solution or stand-alone into air gapped environments.

IoT Interoperability

We provide APIs for IoT data streams, transforming AtomEngine from a simulation sandbox to a live operations environment. Send and receive data feeds that update digital twins with the current position and status of their real world counterparts, then relay instructions directly from the control room.

Building the Future


the Veil

Removing barriers between the real and the digital and creating a safer, more productive, and exciting future by coupling revolutionary new technologies with real-world applications.

At Battle Road, we’re creating a new generation of modeling & simulation technology that’s cloud-first and distributed - purpose built for large scale simulations.

AtomEngine offers a turn-key experience that simulates millions of entities in a persistent multiplayer world; a comprehensive, planet-scale, digital twin of Earth that is faithfully populated with data-rich representations of terrain, natural conditions, infrastructure, and geo-political context.

Our common operating picture design allows users to zoom from street level to orbit and back in one smooth interaction, so they can engage at the level that’s most relevant to their use case.

With integrated AI and environmental awareness, every AtomEngine entity looks, behaves, and interacts the way that it should in the real world, so you don’t need to start from scratch when designing a new custom simulation.

AtomEngine is designed to support seamless interactions between entities at massive scale, whether they operate on land, at sea, in the air, or in space and integrates with low latency real-world sensor data to present you with an actionable ground truth.

AtomEngine runs natively in a browser and is accessible from low-end hardware using only a link and a log-in. The platform is built on a zero-trust architecture and designed to deploy to the cloud, client hardware, on edge computing infrastructure, or even in air-gapped environments.